Unshackled By Love

by Dorothy Cook

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Unshackled By Love

This CD is the accumulation of the truths that I repetitively spoke over 30 plus years to the wounded and the broken in my role as a Family Therapist.

Even though it was designed primarily for women, the truths are applicable to everyone who struggles to believe that God loves them, is there for them, or feel betrayed by Him.

Betrayal and lies wound both soul and spirit.

The revelation about God’s pure sacrificial love is what is needed to unshackle the imprisoned emotions and battered identity. This in turn then allows hope and healing to arise like the dawning of a new day within a person’s soul and spirit.

I am aware that not everyone comes from the same spiritual belief system but I know that all nationalities do have people who believe in the bible.  Because of this, I hope and pray that it will get placed in the hands of those that need deeper healing whether it is for yourself or others.

Like water to a thirsty soul.

Experience healing deeper than you ever have before.


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