"Step into Joy" is a course that allows you to give Jesus all your emotional baggage in exchange for His truth of total unconditional love and acceptance. It does this by using an artists modern day portrayal of Jesus, replacing the traditional with modern day concepts. These incredibly unique and original drawings help bring the truth about how much Jesus delights in being with you.
Out of Religion and into Relationship
Biblical truth and the Love of Jesus
Intimacy with Jesus
1. Walk free of rejection 2. Discover that God is not an absent father 3. Find out that Jesus likes to make things easy and not difficult 4. Know that Jesus understands betrayal 5. Replace depression with joy 6. Allow Jesus to hold your fear and anxiety 7. Find out that you do not have to perform for God 8. Understand that shame can lose it's stronghold over you 9. No longer feel abandoned by God 10. Receive forgiveness and be able to extend forgiveness 11. Let go of any hardness of heart 12. Say goodbye to insignificance 13. Renew your trust in Jesus 14. Understand injury and loss from heaven's perspective 15. Find that safe place in the eye of the storm in the midst of war and disasters
1. You like the thought of God touching your life as listed in the previous section. 2. You don't know where to begin but you want healing to take place between you and Jesus. 3. Using pictures to shift your God relationship intrigues you. 4. You want to experience His unconditional love and acceptance sooner than later.
1. One Promo Lesson or 2. Full Price Version: a) Mixed which contains both Male and Female drawings, b) Male only drawings, or c) Female only drawings.
Included ONE Drawing
Included One AUDIO Teaching on OVERCOMING REJECTION plus Complementary lesson
Included Helpful Instructions
Included BOTH MALE & FEMALE Drawings. 15 in total
Included 15 VIDEOS plus Complementary Lessons
Included Helpful Instructions.
Included MALE only Drawings 15 in total
Included 15 VIDEOS plus Complementary Lessons
Included Helpful Instructions
Included FEMALE only Drawings 15 in total
Included 15 VIDEOS and Complementary Lessons
Included Helpful Instructions
"Dorothy has so much experience, training, and success in helping people to grow and go. I love her willingness to co-labour with Holy Spirit in ministering to others. She creates a safe place ministering with a spirit of love and gentleness, and is highly skilled at listening."
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