Thanks For Your Interest!

I'm Dorothy, and I love sharing the stories of those who I've been able to help regain their health, but I need your financial assistance so I can continue to work with those who can't afford this specialized training. Let's begin a conversation.


Yes, Chat Time!

Step into a world where crisis meets innovation...

Lee, age 45, a mother and a wife, who after 25 years of being self-employed had to step back from work, having ended up in ER with her blood pressure peaking at 200/100. Medically they could find nothing wrong and future medical appointments also showed nothing. For over a year she sought out various health modalities with little success. Easily fatigued and overwhelmed. Lee chose to enter my specialized limbic/somatic training program, but was unable to afford any of it, due to their savings having been used up and her inability to work. I am happy to share that since Lee has taken the limbic/somatic training, she has successfully re-entered the workforce, her blood pressure well within normal range.

Then there was Hanna, age 44, a mother and a wife, who began to seizure at the age of 3 and due to the nature of her seizures, was unable to work. At the time she stepped into my limbic/somatic training, her husband had just fallen off a roof and was also unable to work. Because of the lack of income, the brain injury her husband had sustained, stress levels were at an all time high, affecting the frequencies of Hannaā€™s seizures.

I was able to offer my services due to the Sponsorship Program, and I am delighted to share that due to the limbic/somatic techniques, Hanna is now able to prevent her seizures from occurring. Hanna is also now exploring various self-employment opportunities to help offset her families living and medical expenses.Ā  As a direct result, her seizure specialist has asked to know more about the limbic/somatic program, indicating a possible contractual relationship, along with a 2nd doctor who is setting up a medical hub for Canadian rural communities.

Your generous contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of women like these, enabling them to overcome obstacles and create a brighter future for themselves and their families.

Contact me directly to discuss the amount you would like to contribute and to make payment arrangements. Your support can be provided on a one-time basis or monthly, depending on what suits you best. Your generosity will truly make a difference in the lives of those who need this highly specialized limbic/somatic training program. To view program details:Ā Click on this link.

As a token of my gratitude, I would be honored to acknowledge your company or name in recognition of your generous support, along with sending you thank-you letters from the women whose lives you have positively impacted through your generous contributions. Together, we can make a positive impact, decrease stress related health issues, and create a healthier world for all.


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