When Life Throws You a Curve Ball
Aug 07, 2023
I have had the privilege of walking alongside Becky for several years now. She was at a place of stepping out and making choices to live the life that she wanted when a major curveball caused all of her hopes and dreams to come to a screeching halt.
Very quickly Becky had to learn how to navigate a world that was terrifying and unfamiliar to her.
Struggling, she learned to face overwhelm with a bravery that was found only when she reached deep within her soul.
Uncertainty became the teacher that taught her to live one moment at a time, providing the ability to make it through the days ahead that held nothing but pain and sorrow.
Like Jacob, she wrestled with God, hopelessness and despair.
With Her permission, I share a part of her journey because we all need to have the freedom to work through the emotional betrayal that is felt in so many ways, and at so many different levels. This was part of my journey and this has been the journey of countless others that I have walked alongside as well.
Maybe you are that someone, or know of others, who are struggling with overwhelming life decisions. Knowing you are not alone can help to diminish the feelings of isolation and loneliness..
This next entry was penned from Becky's own hand.
Becky's journey isn't over yet but the last report was very favorable. If you think of her, please say a prayer. If you know of others, be the practical hands and feet of Jesus and do something special for them. If it is yourself, make sure to get the support that you need, finding those who care and can walk along side of you.
If you are someone who wants to give support but feel really inadequate to do so, know that you don't have to have all the answers. Just be a listening and supportive ear.
We all need friends, especially in our deepest time of need, and knowing that someone cares can make all the difference between having the courage to live another day or packing it in and going to your eternal home.
Praying for them is important, but don't just pray and never let them know you care. Pick up the phone, send an email, or show up on their doorstep with a smile and a gift of encouragement or practicality of some kind.
One minute is all it takes and together, let's encourage someone in some special way, doing for them, what we'd love to receive for ourselves.
Want to have a BIG smile because you're the best version of you? Sign up today for a FREE consult and see if I'm the right coach for you..
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