What If

ecclesia hearts without walls identity self image series women of valor Nov 12, 2020

What if a group of women came together and formed a tightly knit community of believers walking in covenantal relationship, helping to activate one another’s God given assignments? Would that interest you?

What if an army of women prepared to take out God’s enemies within their own circles of influence? Could you possibly see yourself as one of them?

If you desire for GOD to get ALL the honor and ALL the glory, then step into this opportunity to get with other likeminded women.

God is calling the unlikely, the unknown, and the unabashed to step up to the plate, because it is time to prepare to war.

War for our country and the godly foundation it was built upon.

War for our children that they may have a hope and a future.

War for our Christian heritage and the ability to continue to worship in freedom and in truth.

To purchase the audio version of this amazing 5-Day Master Class click on the link below.


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