
ecclesia hearts without walls identity self image series women of valor Nov 15, 2020


Women who have a heartbeat for God that is laid down, in surrender and submission to the lover of her soul.

Women who have been on a journey where their heart has been refined as gold by the fire of adversity and come out the other side understanding that God had a bigger purpose in all of it.

Women who are not out to make a name for themselves but rather have the name of Jesus Christ high and lifted up.

If that is you, I am inviting you into to join me and other women in a ten month Warrior Bride Boot Camp starting in the new year.

Together we will learn to converge prayer WITH life giving action that will establish and restore righteousness to the land, creating societal transformation that honors God. 

When you combine action and prayer with the Synergy of Generational Partnership working together, you have a winning combination that becomes a well of refreshing for others, along with communities and nations.

But this is not where it ends for those that want to take it further. You will get to link arms with other women who together will create a safe place where both hearts and dreams can be envisioned and birthed, silencing the fears that have kept them imprisoned within their own hearts and minds.

The goal of all of this is to learn to walk without fear that restricts. Finding out that God really does hold your heart in the palm of His hand and is the keeper of your soul.

Take your life journey that is unique to you and do something beautiful with it while making the world a better place.

Click on this Sign Up  link to be a part of the solution that will make a difference.


Want to have a BIG smile because you're the best version of you? Sign up today for a FREE consult and see if I'm the right coach for you..


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