Validation Begins With Yourself
Sep 24, 2019
Too often we look to others to validate us, but the truth is it needs to start with you validating you first. By acknowledge you first; you are then reinforcing the belief that you have value and worth.
When you look to others first, you give your power away and place your value and worth in their hands. This then puts you on a roller coaster ride dependent on whether they validate or invalidate you. It is totally ok to have others acknowledge you, just not to be the first one to do so.
There is way more stability in knowing you have validity if you take the responsibility for it and let the others off the hook. For some it is just a choice to change a bad habit. For others a bit more might be required and if you are one of those, don’t hesitate to reach out and let me help, because I specialize in helping to turn things around. J Book Now
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