Time to Step Out of the Box You Got Put In

ecclesia identity self image series women of valor Dec 01, 2020

Mini Moment:

It is time to step out of the box that you, along with others, put yourself in.

God is wanting you to know yourself as you are known in heaven, because how you know yourself currently, is only a fraction of who God has called and designed you to be.

It is easy to see that the world is in upheaval, and who God needs you to be during this current time of war, is different than in times of peace.

Know that this war must be fought both at the spiritual level and in the natural, because as Christians we are losing our rights faster than you can turn around and catch your breath.

It is time to step up to the plate and take your rightful place in making a difference.

Be obedient to whatever level God has called you to use your voice, knowing God put you on this earth for such a time as this. 

Will you answer His call to rise up and take your God given, rightful place?

If this is your heart then just say "Yes Lord!" and leave the rest in His hands, determining to be obedient to what He reveals.

But also know that just like in Esther 4:14 if you do not, God will find another.

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