The Pause
Feb 19, 2025
We’re busy people
Between work and home, family and friends, full schedules and unending tasks, it’s tempting to hurry through our week without even stopping to press the pause button.
When was the last time you took an intentional moment to pause? (And sleeping doesn’t count.)
When was your body and mind quiet enough to hear the sounds of silence?
I did that today. I intentionally sat on the floor, in the sun, a cup of coffee in my hands, with no noise to distract me. Only my thoughts. And it was wonderful!
Did I solve all the worlds problems? No.
I didn’t even try to solve my own.
I just let myself be…and enjoyed the moment.
I encourage you to do that also...take time to enjoy mini moments.
Regardless of your past decisions to stay busy, make a choice today to press the pause button.
Pause...even if it's for 5 seconds.
Don't let the tyranny of the urgent drive your day.
Stop for just a moment and take a deep breath, like pressing a reset button. It only takes a moment. Allow your mind and emotions to settle.
There’s something about stillness that compels us beyond ourselves and heightens our awareness, letting us feel apart of something bigger.
It’s one thing to acknowledge that we are busy. It is another to make a choice to interrupt that business with a pause.
You don’t have to wait to change things up…Just do it.
You can be still – right now – and connect to the peace that surrounds you. And just for a moment, forget about all the have to’s and should do’s, and just be.
We can all find a few seconds, even a few minutes if you so choose.
So, no excuses.
Stop right now, take a moment to enjoy the moment, and then move on with your day.
You'll feel better for it.
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