The Fear of the Lord

Nov 09, 2020

God wants to use you. You are not insignificant. How could you be if Christ’s blood were given as a ransom for your life.

He has a purpose and a plan for your life no matter how old or young you are, and now is the time to get ready. If you wait till the time comes, like the foolish virgins, you will have missed your opportunity to be prepared.

So, my question to you is, are you ready for the new thing?

God is.

Maybe you are just waiting for this ‘thing’ to be over and get back to normal as usual?

Well ‘normal as usual’ is not coming back and for those who are willing, there is a new God assignment waiting.

God wants the fear of the Lord to be re-established.

In order for that to happen, social Christianity needs to die; slumbering spirits to be awakened; and a contending for righteousness that comes only from God, not good works, needs to be re-established for His Bride to be glorified.

God has Bridal assignments for each and every one who wants them.

Be aware that to do this, there is a circumcising and preparation of the heart that needs to take place. Things like letting go of the excuses you used to justify your bad habits. To you it may not be a big thing, but to God it just might be. It will be found in those places where you say, “that’s just a little thing,” or “it really does not matter.”

Know that if God is asking something of you, then it is important.

Just like a parent or a spouse asking you to pick your dirty socks up off the floor and put them in the hamper where they are supposed to go, it really is minor as compared to the roof caving or developing a vehicle problem.

But relationally, at the heart level, it does matter. Picking up those dirty socks when asked, in a timely fashion, says you care about the other person and what is important to them.

The same with God. He cares and wants the best for you. It is not about legalism. It is about being in relationship with Jesus, honoring Him and walking out what is important and on His heart for you, even if you do not understand the “why” of it.

It is also about God being willing to impart to you more Kingdom authority and responsibility, moving the ark of the covenant His way, not yours.

Gods manifest glory comes when we honor Him not only in the big things, but in the little. He wants His glory to shine brightly through us. We were created for that.

So, my invitation to you is to ask God to shine His light on those things of your heart that need to change and then cooperate with Him to the best of your ability. This is not about performance. This is about the fear and reverence of God coming back into our lives, both individually and corporately, which in turn will then affect our nations.

Please note that if you are a sister in Christ and the above has spoken to you, that I am extending a special invitation to come and join me in my FREE 5-day Master Class starting November 6-20, 1-2 pm EST. This is where I will share my heart in greater measure regarding arising as a bridal company of women, walking in support and covenant with one another, and what that might look like going forward.

Registration will be opening shortly.

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