The Christmas from Hell

online business Oct 01, 2021

Have you ever been overwhelmed because too many majors are happening simultaneously? Well, 2006 was that kind of season for me.

Within a five-day period, the day before my elderly father had fallen marking the transition towards the end of his life my transmission blew, and it meant being forced to buy another vehicle because my van wasn’t worth resurrecting.

In a few short days after my dad fell, I was let go from work unexpectedly because they wouldn’t give me an extended leave of absence to look after my dying father.  

Right after that I had to make the difficult decision to put both my beloved, elderly cats down.

Then to top it all off I was forced by logistics to drive 1,700 km’s round trip within a 3-day period not knowing if I would get back home in time for my father’s passing.

Talk about feeling overwhelmed. My tears flowed all the way to Alberta and back to Saskatchewan in that short 3-day period.

It was like a wave had kicked my feet out from underneath me and caused me to flip over and become disoriented. I was so overwhelmed that i didn’t know which way was up or down.

Reality only hit when I landed with a hard thud post deaths, with changes I would not have imagined even four months prior. I had now permanently relocated to a different province and was officially self-employed. All of this after thirty-five years of having been employed by others.

In retrospect God’s solution for me had come about dramatically and unexpectedly which demanded a huge paradigm shift from being employed to self-employed. What is interesting is that I had never wanted to be self-employed.

In fact, I had vowed years prior that I would never be my own boss as I preferred the security of a consistent salary. So much for security. God was now it and I was scrambling to make things financially happen.

Through a series of seemingly uneventful scenarios God provided the ability for me to quickly build an online business that became quite prosperous. As I look back almost two decades later, I see how God had positioned me well, in preparation for a global crisis called Covid.

Fast forward to 2020, where others all around me were scrambling and losing jobs, but because I was already working from home and online, the restrictions and shut downs hardly affected my business. 

I could now see my 2006 Christmas from hell had really been a blessing in disguise, even though I could not see it at the time.

But this was more than just about me, God knew the future and had positioned me for a greater purpose so that I could help some of you start new streams of income.

You might be scared, angry, or feel betrayed by your employers, I know I had been in 2006, but have you ever thought that God may be calling you to step into self-employment with an online business, and to leave the familiar behind?

If that, is you, I want to connect and help you transition into building an on-line business starting with the creation of your own website. I can either produce one for you you or teach you how to do it yourself. Together we will make it happen and even take the overwhelm out, building it one step at a time.

Think of it this way, you have nothing to lose if you have lost everything already or are about to. But going forward, know that you have everything to gain by going after new and better things. 

It is amazing how motivation increases dramatically when you are left scrambling and have nothing left to fall back on. 

Take a moment to imagine being able to work at something you have a passion for.

Imagine Covid restrictions not affecting you because everything you are now doing is online and it does not matter if you can leave your house or not.

Imagine being your own boss and getting to choose the hours you work and the time you take off for family events, holidays or lingering over a latte at your favorite coffee shop.

Imagine not having to wear a mask all day…woohoo! Bonus!

Life is changing dramatically, and dramatic times calls for drastic changes. You can choose to wait until life kicks you in the backside like it did me with your employer having no sense of loyalty to you, or you can begin now to get things into place positioning yourself to handle the inevitable job loss or the unexpected changes that are happening because of the incredible instability of governments and economies.

It does not matter if you have never done something like this before. That is where I come in. We all must start somewhere. Everything I have learned up to this point started from a place of knowing nothing about online.

Today, my expertise will help save you a lot of money because of what I learned about building my own website and business.

For those of you that are serious about exploring the possibility of creating a website and building an online business, click on this link and book a 30-minute free consult. You will walk away with clarity and a prayer of blessing.

Even if life throws you a curve ball, you can make the choice to take back the controls and make something better out of it.

Don’t let life throw you under the bus. Roll out from underneath, find a different pathway, and travel into the unknown, knowing that the Lord your God goes before you, is behind you, and will never leave you nor let you down. (Deuteronomy 31:6).

One last thing, make sure to check out my next blog where I talk about how God kept me focused and motivated to build my online business.



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