Stop Letting Regrets Hold You Back

core beliefs destiny hope identity journey to health spiritual Oct 14, 2023

Living a life full of regrets stinks.

Regrets hold you back.

They dampen your zeal for life

And they cause you to play it safe.

Regrets physically impact your health.

They cause you to not fully trust God.

They give your brain a chemical bath that shuts down the feel-good emotions.

So, why do we hold onto regret?

A lot of it has to do with self protection.

Who likes to feel disappointed...again...and again...and again?

I know I don't.

In fact, I've never met anyone who does.

So, what to do about it?

Let's start by asking God for forgiveness.

He wants to be our protector and deliverer and He can do it way better than we can ourselves.

Yes, that means giving Him the right to disappoint us when He doesn't give us what we want, or believe we should have.

It means rebuilding our relationship with God and learning to hand back the controls.

It means putting your hand in His, choosing to walk in childlike faith.

It also means learning to risk again, trusting that God won't judge you for stumbling, but instead will help to pick you back up, cleaning the dust off, and running hand in hand with you.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to leave this earth full of regrets.

I'm tired of falling short of all that I can be.

I'm tired of living a life of regret.

I would rather leave as a winner crossing over the finish line fully elated and seeing the BIG grin on my heavenly Father's face.

So, I want to invite you to come on this new adventure of mine, re-learning to walk with God, dumping the regrets and leaving them far behind..

And, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to leave behind your world full of regret and shift into a life of fulfillment, joy and delight.

Stay tuned for part two, coming soon.








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