Seize Your Potential

identity self image series women of valor Dec 28, 2020

Too often we look at our circumstances and what is not happening, as opposed to our strengths and what we have to work with that will help turn things around.

By looking at the current situation, hopelessness gets an inroad, which then often leads to getting stuck in a rut.

But when you allow yourself to get creative and step outside of your comfort zone, opportunity can flourish.

Imagine you were working at a gold mine. What would the majority of the talk be about, the dirt or the gold? My guess is that it would be the gold.

Recognize the gold is the potential of what is out there, the dirt is the reality of what has to be moved in order to find the gold.

You need the same kind of focus.

Know that there is gold inside of you that has yet to be mined. Put faith in what you have and what you can do to move away from hopelessness. Do not let discouragement take you out.

You may have to think out of the box, but that is exactly what is needed to see and do things differently.

Know you are not at a disadvantage more than anyone else. In fact, because you have the "G" (God) factor, you actually carry the advantage. Do you believe that? I mean really believe that in your heart of hearts? Especially if your situation is not good right now?

If you do not believe God is on your side, then read 2 Kings 7:17-20. It is critical that you figure out what you want to believe, because what you decide will either get you trampled, or move you into the next season. 

And just like the widow who was ready to make her last meal in 2 Kings 4:3-7, look at what you do have, then get creative and partner with any prophetic word you have to get unstuck.

If you do not have a prophetic word, then pull from the bible and stand on God's word as true. Know you do have a hope and a future, but your responsibility is to hold onto that word and speak as if it already is (Romans 4:17).

For those that struggle to believe God is there for you because of your unanswered prayers and/or dire situation, here are some resources to help bring healing to your heart. 

Make sure to take advantage of this sweet discount by clicking on the link and putting in the code BUNDLE35 BEFORE December 31/20 midnight. This will allow you to get 35% off the regular price.

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