Proverbs 21:21-22
Dec 10, 2020
Proverbs 21:21-22 "The lovers of God who chase after righteousness will find all their dreams come true; an abundant life drenched with favor and a fountain that overflows with satisfaction. A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the stronghold of the mighty."
I look at this scripture and it challenges me.
- Am I a lover of God?
- Do I chase after righteousness?
- Do I find my dreams coming true?
Then I ask myself?
- Is my life filled with abundance, like a life drenched with favor, overflowing with satisfaction?
- Am I a warrior?
- Do I ascend into high places filled with wisdom releasing regional breakthrough, bringing down the stronghold of the mighty?
Well I can say yes to some, partial to others and definitely room for improvement in the rest.
What about you?
What are your challenges?
Does this scripture call you up to a higher place? I pray it does.
I address this because even though darkness is a prevalent force these days and morality is at an all time low, very few Christians know how to war and bring about breakthrough for themselves and their loved ones, let alone at a regional level.
Part of this problem is that a lot of the churches have never trained their people to see themselves as "warriors." They have not helped them to be culturally relevant, nor teach them how to strategically war and turn back communities towards a godly value system.
Rather, most churches have tended to isolate and segregate within their own Christian culture, becoming irrelevant to the rest of society.
So, where the church has failed to prepare for the days we are now in, know that I have created a training program to become socially relevant and impactful. It is exclusively for women and is called Warrior Bride Boot Camp, starting January 2021.
Warrior Bride Boot Camp is an adventure of a lifetime, helping women to not only fulfill the call of God on their lives but it encourages them to find ways to make Christ famous within their spheres of influence, and not themselves.
Warrior Bride Boot Camp is also designed for women who desire community that will be known as lovers of God, holding true to their godly moral values without compromise.
The group will be limited to 6-10 women, so if you desire to be better equipped, joining hearts with other proactive kindred spirits, make sure to claim your spot now Warrior Bride Boot Camp before all the spots are taken.
For those that take take the step of signing up, know together is better because we get to walk out the mandate of Proverbs 21:21-22, unconditionally loving and encouraging one another.
Click on this link Warrior Bride Boot Camp and sign up today so you can become part of a mighty force of women that darkness will now have to begin to contend with.
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