No Shame or Condemnation

hope journey to health pain Jul 28, 2023

A year ago I penned the following words...

"I am emotionally fragile, over worked, over stressed, no end in sight. I will make it through. Important to pace myself, drop what I can and just receive. Let go of all shame and self-condemnation. Just be ok with it. It's not me ministering to the Lord. It's about Him ministering to me."

A friend of mine, in response to my emotional exhaustion, sent me the following...

"When we are destitute of energy or strength, He carries us gently. All we have to do is turn our eyes and heart to Him, however feebly, and He gathers us in His arms. He is enough. Sometimes worship is just lifting our eyes to Him and our hearts however feebly and He gathers us in His arms. He is enough."

I then journaled...

"No judgement. No condemnation. No telling me to get my act together. Just pure acceptance. What healing her words brought to my heart. Thank You Jesus."

I share this today because some of you can identify and just need to be encouraged. Do yourself a favor and let go of shame and condemnation. Just be...and be ok with where you are at.

I know it's hard. 

There are times when life's circumstances press us against the wall so hard it feels like our very breath is being sucked out and we can hardly make it through another day, let alone another second.

God is faithful. He may not come through how we want Him to for our lives, but He is faithful. Just sit with Him, even if you can't say a word. Let your thoughts and emotions be vulnerable and learn about His unconditional love and acceptance.

God is not asking you to perform. He is asking you to be real and to give Him your exhaustion, hopelessness, and despair.

I'm not in that same place as I was a year ago, but I had to stop being superwoman and make some very different choices, letting go of the ones that were keeping me stuck in old, unhealthy patterns.

The biggest gift I gave myself was love and acceptance.

The biggest gift my friend gave me was unconditional love and understanding.

So, if you find yourself in a similar situation, or know of another who is, just love on them. Be the hands and feet of Jesus and let your words be sweet. Throw judgement out the door.

If you want my help, just click on this link and book in. We all need help sometimes, including me. Break out of isolation and make sure to get the support that will allow you to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

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