Living Life Unafraid
Aug 19, 2023
Sometimes it takes a major health crisis for us to assess our lives, our beliefs, and what is really going on foundationally.
That’s what happened to me when I lost my health, my wealth, and everything else along with it.
While lying flat on my back I realized that I could no longer live life the way I had and that in order to physically and emotionally get better, I had to make radically different choices. So, I did, purposefully making choices to be real and transparent; living life unafraid.
What happened was transformational.
The more I let go of the lies that I had believed about myself, the more I regained my emotional and physical wellbeing.
Along my healing journey I started asking myself some simple, but transformational questions.
It led me to create this free questionnaire specifically designed for those who are tired of having to prove their value and worth, and who desire to live a life of health and vitality.
If you can relate and would like a starting place to begin your own journey of freedom, click on this free link to get started: Living Life Unafraid Questionnaire.
I hope these questions help you to challenge your own current choices, patterns, and belief systems so that this coming season in your life will be better than the last!
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