It's Not Your Fault
Jan 16, 2025
Our current health care system is really a sick care system that focuses on mainly treating the symptoms and not the cause.
And because the underlying cause of your sickness is never addressed, you can never really experience true health.
If today's medical system focused more on prevention, than treating the symptoms, you would experience a greater level of health.
But...because they don't, you end up suffering through a never-ending cycle of pills, discomfort, and medical appointments.
This is also compounded by longer than normal wait times to see a specialist, get test results, wait in the emergency room, and the list goes on, and on, and on.
The truth is, it's not your fault.
You have had a lifetime of training to comply to this broken medical system, without being empowered to utilize healthy alternatives outside of it.
I've experienced it firsthand.
Well, let me tell you that there are healthy options out there, and I'm one of them!
Hi, I'm Dorothy, and I am a stress reduction specialist who has helped some very sick people achieve real tangible health results, simply by learning how to effectively manage their stress.
I have a wellness system that defies the broken healthcare system and impacted lives that the current healthcare system has failed to help.
I remember the day I got a call and was asked if I could help someone who had been bedridden for ELEVEN YEARS. Willing to try, I was able to target the root cause of her problems and within one year, she was up and walking, back to living life, travelling across the country, AND...without any medical supports.
Where the medical system had failed, my holistic approach was able to produce nothing short of a miracle.
Now I've taken this holistic neurological solution and turned it into an 8-week Wellness Formula to help people like you enjoy a healthier lifestyle.
So, if the current healthcare system has let you down, and you're looking for a natural way to avoid preventable stress related health issues...
Want to have a BIG smile because you're the best version of you? Sign up today for a FREE consult and see if I'm the right coach for you..
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