Hope for Tomorrow
Jan 20, 2023
Hope is the driving force that allows a person to make it against ALL odds.
HOPE finds the way out of deep darkness and into the brilliance of light.
Hope knows no bounds when you are seemingly out of options.
Hope hangs around when YOU refuse to let hopelessness permanently settle in you.
Hope isn't needed until there is a situation that causes hopelessness to knock at the door of your life.
And if there was ever a time that hope was needed in this crazy world of our... It is now.
There is so much discouragement out there today.
- Everywhere you look:
- The instability of the economy.
- Escalating health issues.
Terrible breakdowns of the family system.
It feels like death and destruction all around.
But I want you to know that there is good news.
It just means looking in different directions, even when it was not on your horizon before.
The unfamiliar often feels uncomfortable, even confusing.
What can ease these feelings is connecting with those who have gone ahead and discovered the benefits of the unfamiliar.
And that is what Carolyn and I are both about.
For me, the mainstream medical system failed to help me find answers to my failing health. I had to find them on my own facing massive discouragement in the midst of confusion and uncertainty.
Carolyn was forced to make major life changing decisions in the midst of her medical crisis.
Circumstances drove us to look outside of mainstream medicine to find the answers we needed.
Two very different journeys.
Both that brought HOPE and extremely helpful answers.
Know that nobody's search for answers is the same but that doesn't mean we can't learn from one another.
We especially ask that you join us if you are down in the dumps, scared, and facing a major mountain of discouragement.
Know that our journeys, even though long and hard, helped to transform our lives for the better.
And that can happen for you as well.
God took two very different lives that were in crisis, and brought both healing and transformation, opening up a whole new world of possibilities.
Please, sign up today because you will leave encouraged.
And then do us one other favour, share the link with one other person who desperately needs to hear our stories because it just may offer them the gift of hope that they need to take another step forward.
Want to have a BIG smile because you're the best version of you? Sign up today for a FREE consult and see if I'm the right coach for you..
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