Have You Ever
Nov 30, 2022
Have you ever wanted something so bad...
And you try real hard to make it work...
And it eludes you, year after year?
My advice to you is not to give up.
Do what you can.
And when nothing else can be done...
Step back...
Sit down...
Say a prayer...
And wait for God to bring about some seemingly insignificant conversation...
Or connection...
That holds the key to making that shift towards the elusive desire of your heart.
As much as I also hate "the wait", God is up to something far deeper...
And more permanent...
Then you could ever imagine, or ask.
It's ok to be frustrated.
It's even ok to give up for moments at a time.
The key is to process your emotions so you don't get stuck...
And... you don't go toxic.
If you are a stuffer, you might think you've dealt with your situation and/or your emotions, but God designed the brain to retain, whether you like it, or not.
Only once it has been dealt with in a healthy manner will the brain, your emotions, and your physical body let it go.
So, if your stuffed emotions don't appear to be affecting you anymore, think twice about it.
Do a self check in.
Ask yourself how your body is physically feeling?
Are your relationships getting further away or closer?
What about your relationship with God? Is it causing you to go lukewarm, cold, or hot?
All of these and others can be indicators as to whether or not you have dealt with things emotionally in a healthy manner.
And as one who used to be an expert stuffer, trust me...
You want to learn how to stay emotionally fit so that you can physically handle the tough stuff, while living in health to a ripe old age.
For those who want to change, try switching things up.
And if you need some help, book in with me before prices go up :)
Want to have a BIG smile because you're the best version of you? Sign up today for a FREE consult and see if I'm the right coach for you..
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