Finding Peace in the Midst of Conflict
Aug 11, 2022
In the middle of global conflict and upheaval, it is sometimes hard to know how to take control of your life.
Know that if you focus on the instability around you, it will eventually cause your brain to stall out.
The more you focus on the uncertainty, the more fear, anxiety, and dread will shift you into feelings of overwhelm and hopelessness.
To stop your brain from doing this, you will need to take back the controls.
You do this by not fixating on the chaos and pain around you.
Yes, the craziness of this world is real, but YOU get to choose where you put your focus.
Sitting in front of the TV or listening to the horrible stats will not help you. It will only serve to reinforce an eventual emotional meltdown and withdrawal from life.
In order to shift things and regain the controls, you need to work with the part of your brain that I will for simplicity's sake, call, "your emotional brain."
Think of your emotional brain acting like a spoilt child. It tries to get it's way by having a temper tantrum.
As a parent you need to direct how this child, (your brain), is going to behave and then make it listen to you.
You do this by making ONE small shift at a time.
That's it.
Not big, gigantic, overwhelming steps.
Just little, itsy, bitsy steps choosing not to focus on the overwhelm.
We ALL can do that.
It is a CHOICE.
But each time you make that choice, the fear part of your brain will start coming under YOUR control.
An example of this is to find something to smile about. It may be as simple as looking at a flower, cuddling your pet, or reading about our BIG God and His creative, amazing ways.
Will it be easy?
Depends on how long you have let your emotional brain direct traffic.
The longer your willful child (your brain) has had its way, the harder it will be to bring it under control, but it is not impossible.
It will just take some time retraining.
But the more you consistently refocus, the more peace and joy will be experienced.
Want to have a BIG smile because you're the best version of you? Sign up today for a FREE consult and see if I'm the right coach for you..
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