Another Mini Moment

identity journey to health self image series transition Jan 12, 2022

Transition can be hard. Especially if it comes unexpectedly and is not a happy occasion.

This time of change can feel like a tiny little bump or a major upheaval depending on the circumstance.

The loss of the familiar sets in place a grieving process that is important to emotionally walk through. This can take a long time for some and it can be relatively short for others. 

The best way to walk through your transition  is to see it as a season; it has a beginning and an end. Then acknowledge your sense of loss, rather than minimize or deny what is going on emotionally for you.

If you are supporting someone that is walking through a transition, give them permission to process their thoughts and feelings and be the best listener they could ever have. They will appreciate the listening ear.

In summary:

1. Transition can be hard.

2. Be true to your feelings.

3. Give yourself permission to process, and know there is life after what feels like a season of death.

For a deeper dive regarding the realities of transition and how to support yourself or others, sign up for this Zoom webinar 7:30 pm EST Wednesday January 19, 2021. Click here to register today. Availability will be limited.


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