Just Imagine... 


Instead of waking up and feeling exhausted, dreading another day...


You feel Refreshed!






No longer overwhelmed by little things...Ready to face the day. panic attacks!

Wow! You can't stop smiling!


To Get Started...

Click that button today!


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Hi, I'm Hanna O'Brien


My seizures have been medically documented to have reduced by 67% as of December 2024. Medically this is unheard of. How did it happen? By learning how to listen to my "body talk" and deactivate my brain to the stress response, which was impacting me both emotionally and physically.

Prior to Dorothy's 8-Week course my seizures could occur up to 3 times a day, which could take days or weeks to recover from.

Not only has this given me my life back, but my family has their mom back, and my husband now has a wife that is fully present.

If you struggle with health issues, no matter what kind they are, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND taking Dorothy's 8-Week Limbic Stress Reduction Training, because this is where I learned how to listen to my body and control how my brain handled stress, resulting in what literally felt like a miracle of HUGE proportions.

Don't wait! Contact Dorothy today.



8-Weeks to Stress Less

Oops! It's already in progress. Next course starts Spring of 2025. Sign up below.





Your Mission, should you choose to accept to STOP STRESS from STEALING your HEALTH and HAPPINESS.


Imagine yourself feeling like a million dollars...and loving it, leaving confusion, overwhelm and dread in the past.


By the end of the 8-weeks, you will have everything you need - to effectively keep your stress levels in check, so that you can go back to living a normal lifestyle, utilizing neurological and somatic techniques. 


That is all possible when you take this unique journey. Next course starts...

Spring of 2025.





All The Tools You Need To Reduce the IMPACT of STRESS on YOUR LIFE and your HEALTH.

When you don't have time to get to the gym, meditate, or do other time consuming activities, but your stress is high and you need to do something, knowing some quick brain hacks can be life saving. They will decrease stress quickly and affectively

Once learned, they will take one minute or less to do. Step outside the box of conventional thinking, and put some more tools in your tool box.

For Hanna, it was lifechanging learning how to step outside the box of traditional thinking. It not only allowed her to live outside the box of her medical confines, it literally gave Hanna her life back as shared above.

What about you? What's on your wish list of health improvements? Ready to learn? Check out the 8-week group.

8-week group info



Dorothy is a true professional in the art of helping others. With over 33+ years of experience, she has an unrivaled track record of helping people recover their lives. 


1. Within one year, she took a woman from ELEVEN years of being bedridden, (that the mainline medical system had failed to help) to up and walking normally; without aids.

2. Within one-hour she shifted 80 years of INSOMNIA to not only sleeping soundly throughout the night for the first time since childhood, but also since then.

3. 70 YEARS of dental phobia/extreme panic attack levels eliminated within 3 hours, allowing that individual to walk into the dentist's office two days later with zero fear.

4. Where 29 OTHER therapists and programs had previously failed to get to the root of her problem, Dorothy's sensitivity and skill level quickly gave Emma her life back again.

This level of expertise has resulted in her clients being able to fast track the replacing of their old, survival "normal" with a new and improved version that they absolutely love and thrive in. Now who wouldn't want that?

If you are someone that is saying "I DO WANT THIS" click on "YES I DO" button below and together let's look at how to make it possible :)



Your mission should you choose to accept to stop Stress from Stealing your Health.

Bye-Bye Chronic Fatigue!



Just Imagine... 

Waking up and your stress related health issues are almost non-existent.

You feel amazed by how easy it is for you to no longer be overwhelmed by little things.

Your tiredness is lifting and you are even looking forward to getting back into the workforce.

You feel excited, relieved, and way healthier. panic attacks!

Wow! You can't stop smiling!

15 Minute Free Consult

Hey there friend...

I remember a time when I was just like you...

I woke up one day in my 40's, smack dab in the middle of a health crisis.

It felt like life had thrown me a curveball. A really bad one.

I was angry, confused, and honestly a bit scared. 

I kept asking 'why me?'. I felt lost, I no longer knew who I was, and struggled to not drown in overwhelm.

Several decades later while reading a book I discovered that the hypersensitivity and cross wiring of what my brain perceived as a "threat," had kept my body locked in a never-ending "fight, flight, or freeze" stress response.

It had been my "rouge" brain that had been responsible for the various health challenges. This explained why the medical community, when looking for a physical cause, had never been able to find one.


More of My Story



Ready to STOP STRESS from STEALING your Health, Happiness, and Hard Earned Money?

My PROPIETARY program puts you Back in Control to Build a Life You Love...and on Your Terms!

Tailored Strategies to address your SPECIFIC challenges.

Make SIGNIFICANT progress in a Shorter Amount of Time.

Leave with a clear Action Plan and the motivation to implement it effectively.

If this describes you,  Click the "Get Started Today" button below.


Get Started Today

Together We Can...

Women's  SPONSORSHIP Program. 

"A person who has their health has a 1,000 dreams. The one who does not have their health only has one get their health back." (Unknown).


When the health of a mom goes, so does the 5 primary areas she oversees within the home: Caregiving. Organization. Emotional Support. Multi-tasking. Decision-making.

Everything falls apart because she has fallen apart. Sick and unable to support her family anymore, desperate times increase the already toxic stress levels, which in turn further compound her health issues. A vicious cycle becomes never ending without intervention. 


This is where you can help. As an individual for only $25/week with a ONE year commitment, your financial support can mean the difference in TURNING AROUND the mom's emotional/physical health issues affecting her job, sanity, identity, finances, and family.

Drastic times means drastic measures. We ALL need one another. Please help out a mom today by clicking on the link below allowing her to get Dorothy's help.

If you're a business, let's talk in person and give even more towards the value of life. Click on the SPONSORSHIP botton above for more information.


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Here are 12+ Podcast Interviews as a Gift to you!


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